The results are shown below:
Question one: Are you male or female?
In order to make the research as unbiased and as fair as possible, I asked five female and five male people to take my questionnaire.
The majority of the people I asked were people in my year at school, hence the reason they were in the age category 16-20. Two people I asked were at the other end of the scale, in the 41+ category. One person was under 16, and one from the 26-30 category. The age ranges I used were broad, which means that inevitably the results will be more diverse and varied. However, I realised that this question had a fault as soon this is not useful to my research, as the target audience I am appealing to is the 16-20 age bracket.
Question 3: Out of the below choices, what’s your favourite genre of music?
The graph above show’s that the majority of people who took this survey prefer the rock genre, with 4 votes out of 10. This was closely followed by the indie genre, with 3 votes, and metal, pop and other each gaining one vote each. The RnB genre gained no votes. I am pleased with the results that rock is the most popular genre of music magazine, as this means that I should produce a magazine that is based around the rock genre, which suits me well as that is the kind of magazine that I wanted to produce.
Question 4: What do you prefer to read about in a music magazine?
The graph above show’s that the most popular band articles to read about are well-known, established bands, with the majority of the vote with 6 people. The second most popular were for obscure and unsigned bands, with 2 votes. The option for less-popular, up-and-coming bands got one vote, and one person also voted for the option that they do not read music magazines. This information tells me that in creating my own magazine, I should include more information about well-known, well-established bands, as this will be what more readers will seek out and target. However, the rules state that due to a copyright, I am unable to use a well-known band and already existent photos.
Question 5: What area of content do you prefer to read about?
The most popular area of content that the survey told me that people like to read about is celebrity gossip, with 4 of the votes. Interviews followed, with 3 people voting that they are the most popular type of content, the least popular kind of article was found to be real-life stories with two of the votes. One person voted that they prefer to read another type of article listed, or do not read music magazines. This tells me that in my magazine, I should include articles related to celebrity gossip, whether that is stories involving band members, or individual artists. Interviews also were found to be popular in music magazines, which may also be something I need to include as part of my magazine, advertising interviews with well-known, and unknown bands alike inside
Question 6: How often does the way the magazine appears/who is fronting it affect whether you buy it or not?
The majority of the people that took this survey voted that the way the magazine appears affects them occasionally, with 4 people voting for this option. Three people voted that it frequently affects whether they buy the magazine or not, two people for always, and one people for never. These results show that the way the magazine is presented, who is on the front cover, and the articles/general layout chosen to be shown on this front cover is quite important for the success of my magazine. Therefore, with my own magazine, I will focus on the front cover especially to engage the reader and ensure the total success of my magazine.
-Amelia Larkin
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